Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof.-S. Farber


【Journal Review】The Wise Sherlock Holmes

I am a Holmes fan. I have taken some notes which are very insightful. Indeed, Holmesian.

You see, but you do not oberve.
Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts.
The interplay of ideas and the oblique uses of knowledge are often of extraordinary interest.
By what it has accomplished while still teething, one may forecast what marvels it will do in the strength of its maturity.
Nobody could infer the mastermind in the top of that ediice from the edifice itself.
Work is the best antidote to sorrow.
I cannot agree with those who rank modesty among the virtues. To the logician all things should be seen exactly as they are and to under-estimate oneself is as much a departure from truth as to exaggerate one's own powers.
Quality is not negotiable.
Virtue is its own reward.
It is a capital mistake to thoerise in advance of the facts.
No chain is stronger than its weakest link.
No rose without a thorn.
Belief is not proof.
Astonishing things can be done with the human memory if you will devote it faithfully to one particular line of business.
When you get into a dangerous place, don't turn coward. That isn't going to help matters any.
Constancy in love is a good thing; but it means nothing, and is nothing, without constancy in every kind of effort.
If you had the abilities of all the great men, past and present, you would do nothing well without sincerely meaning it, and setting about it.

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